SMW Autoblok Stationary and Automation Products

Math Tools, Utilities Online

Open up your Favorites or Bookmarks, and prepare to add a link or two after reading about the following sites.

Allan (A. J.) Sweatt


Open up your Favorites or Bookmarks, and prepare to add a link or two after reading about the following sites:

  • Martindale’s The Reference Desk- Every so often, a fun site comes to our attention that may not hit the metalworking nail on the head, but simply belongs. Martindale’s (no relation to Wink) is a funky stew of links to the unusual, the technical, the informative and the entertaining. It is almost impossible to describe the scope of the info this site provides. From the technical to the entertaining to the perplexing to the laughable and educational, the site is a must-see. For the machining professional, there are loads of math, too. Few sites are as much fun digging through as Martindale’s.
  • We don’t know where to start with MathTools, but we’ll try it this way: This may be the most incredible collection of Web-based scientific and mathematics calculators available anywhere. As a matter of fact, the only real downside to this massive collection is that it is such a massive collection.
  • Marv Klotz’s Utilities- This site, built by a retired aerospace physicist named Marv and subtitled, “Software for People Who Build Things,” will do many positive things for you (not necessarily in this order): It will expose you to more manufacturing-related calculators, software and utilities than you can shake a mouse at; it will inspire an appreciation for content rather than graphic-drenched hype; and it will educate you. It will also be added to your Favorites immediately upon discovery. Mostly, it will make you want to hug Marv, because this is a fine collection of useful information and a labor of love for all of us. Thanks, Marv.
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