
Need Skilled Workers? Just Whistle!

When all is said and done, manufacturing is pretty much on its own to solve the problems facing the training and retaining of properly skilled workers.


When all is said and done, manufacturing is pretty much on its own to solve the problems facing the training and retaining of properly skilled workers. STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) education is becoming like the weather in that everybody talks about it, but nobody does anything to change it.

I received a story a while back and found it compelling. There are things being done that are creative and constructive to educate future manufacturing employees. The whistle project shows how different manufacturing entities can come together and actually get something done.

Using the manufacture of a metal whistle as an object lesson, Austin Polytechnic Academy and SME’s Education Foundation are collaborating to teach the skills that tomorrow’s manufacturing professional will need to succeed in business and help keep our country’s manufacturing base here. Click here to read the story. It’s very cool.


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