Workholding from Mate Precision Technologies

NIMS Credentials Issues Hit New Record High in 2014

NIMS issued 18,947 credentials to more than 8,000 individuals in 2014, according to Jim Wall, executive director of NIMS.


NIMS issued 18,947 credentials to more than 8,000 individuals in 2014, according to Jim Wall, executive director of NIMS. These credentials show that more students are preparing for success in high-demand, skilled careers like precision machining and other skilled trades.

The growth of the precision manufacturing sector is one reason for the increase in students earning credentials. The continued underemployment of college graduates across all majors and the increasing burden of college loan debt to get those degrees are other factors.

Taking NIMS-approved courses to earn skilled trade credentials is a lot less expensive than typical college expenses, which can run from $30,000 to $40,000 per year with no assurance of a job upon graduation. NIMS credentials are typically earned at community colleges, where annual tuition can be as low as $2,400 to $5,000 per year.

PMPA is a founding member of NIMS, and is pleased to see this success at credentialing talent to enter our high-tech industry. Credentialing real people for in-demand careers, developing standards and credentials, this is how we can develop an advanced manufacturing workforce to sustain manufacturing in North America. As NIMS continues to upgrade and adapt the standards to our evolving technology, we have confidence that our credentialed new hires will be up to speed and able to safely add value on the first day of the job. And that they will have a great career based on their NIMS accredited skills.

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