Vacuum Degreasers and Aqueous Solutions

Rotary Saws Embrace Turning Machine Capabilities

Rotary saw cutting (RSC), although not a well-known process outside production machining, has many potential advantages when used on a turning machine.


Rotary saw cutting (RSC), although not a well-known process outside production machining, has many potential advantages when used on a turning machine. According to Watkins Manufacturing, compared with single-point tooling in cutoff operations, rotary sawing can generate more parts per hour, more parts per bar, easier and less costly scrap handling, increased tool life, better part finishes and dimensional repeatability.

RSC uses a rotating, circular saw blade for cutting off, grooving and forming while the barstock is rotating. This eliminates long, stringy chips associated with single-point cutting. Because of the smaller chips, saws for RSC can have a much finer tooth configuration than saws for cold sawing.

Machine capabilities can also be increased by using RSC. For example, RSC is good for thin-wall tubing because of low cutting pressure; the integrity of the part is not disturbed while performing the cutoff. Rotary sawing can be used to replace some forming operations as well.

Most turning machines can easily be fitted with RSC. Read more about how to get the most out of your turning machines by using RSC: Visit “Rotary Sawing Takes a Turn in Cutoff Operations.”

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