
Technical Training for Employees Factors into Company Success

Griffith Training provides in-plant training and consulting for quality, productivity and improvement for manufacturers.


Griffith Training provides in-plant training and consulting for quality, productivity and improvement for manufacturers. Gary Griffith founded Griffith Training in 1979, a year after accepting a part-time position teaching technical courses at a local college. 

“I quickly found out that I enjoyed teaching,” Mr. Griffith says. “The following year I started Griffith Training and have been providing training and consulting services ever since.”

Mr. Griffith has more than 44 years of experience in the areas of quality, engineering and manufacturing, and Griffith Training offers on-site training tailored to specific products, designs and processes. Griffith offers training courses covering a variety of mechanical engineering and quality control topics including all levels of geometric tolerancing, inspection and gaging, functional gage design, statistical process control, concurrent engineering, failure modes, effect analysis and many others.

“I started working with PMPA about 5 years ago, presenting technical workshops at the PMPA National Technical Conference,” Mr. Griffith says. “I was initially invited to speak about geometric tolerancing, and I continue to be asked back to speak about various topics. I will be speaking at the National Technical Conference and am excited about the chance to provide knowledge to those who attend.”

The precision machining industry has a great need for training new workers and continued training for current staff. Well-trained employees provide a business advantage for shops, through increased productivity and product quality, and in many other aspects.

“Companies depend heavily on the knowledge and skills of their workforces in order to assure high first-pass yields and provide for a high-standard of work,” Mr. Griffith says. “The knowledge and skills of personnel are a major factor in the success of a company.”

By teaching, and improving, the knowledge and skills of workers in the technical aspects for precision machining shops’ processes, companies can benefit from the growth of their employees.

About Gary Griffith
Mr. Griffith has more than 35 years of experience in the manufacturing industry. Prior to founding Griffith Training, he worked at Allied-Signal Aerospace where he worked in several management and engineering roles in the areas of quality, process control engineering and planning. He earned his bachelor’s degree in industrial technology from California State University – Long Beach and holds several certifications; he is a certified quality engineer and a certified instructor in the state of California. He is a fellow of the Institute of Advancement of Engineers, a senior member of the American Society for Quality and former education chairman for the Los Angeles section of the American 
Society for Quality. 

For more information, visit griffithtraining.com or email griftrain@verizon.net.

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