PM Blog

CNC Cutter Grinding In-House

As tooling complexity increases, one might expect in-house tool grinding to gradually fade away. In fact, though, more and more shops are taking advantage of CNC tool grinding’s increased capabilities to improve consistency, flexibility and productivity.

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Automation In A Production Shop

Production turning automation is the beneficiary of increasingly powerful design and application tools. This makes it much easier to create automation that fits the application.

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Member Profile: Smith & Richardson

Smith & Richardson Inc. is a provider of chaplets for the metal casting industry and a manufacturer of precision machined parts. Founded in 1921, the ISO-9002-certified company got into the machined parts business in 1986 when it purchased one of its suppliers, a small screw machine company.

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Two Plans Are Better Than One

In recent years, with the introduction of Qualified High-Deductible Health Plans (QHDHPs) and Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), business owners have more tax-saving options in health insurance. While you may need to offer employees a traditional health plan with lower deductibles as an employee retention strategy, you may also benefit from the tax-free accumulation of funds in a health savings account. So, how can you get the best of both worlds?

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You Now Have Plans For October 17-21: PMPA's 75th Anniversary

The Precision Machined Products Association will celebrate its 75th Anniversary Annual Meeting at the Waikoloa Beach Marriott Resort & Spa in Waikoloa (The Big Island), Hawaii. At this special event, from October 17 through 21, we will take time to remember the past and celebrate the future of PMPA and the precision machined products industry.

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Personal Protective Equipment And The Precision Machining Industry

If the OSHA inspector arrived today, would your system provide documented evidence of training, enforcement and retraining?

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Will You Be Competitive?

Knowing who your customers are is an important and complex issue that deserves more than a single bullet-point in a column, because how you approach this one issue can determine your company’s competitiveness, growth and profitability—well into the future. To navigate the long-range waters to a healthy future, consider these issues:

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Fast Prototype To Production

When a shop designs, develops, manufactures and markets a range of high-accuracy, high-volume components, it must depend on high-speed machining capabilities incorporated in its machines’ CAD/CAM software. Oscor Inc.

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Reestablishing A Name In Bar Feeders

To keep its well known line at the forefront of the minds of those in the market for a bar feeder, this company completely redesigned its product. Features such as a see-through cover and Direct Connect programming through the machine tool's CNC demonstrate the results of this focused effort.

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Shop Sticks With Stick Tooling

Who says we can’t be competitive on simple parts? The secret for making it happen at one Connecticut shop is the combination of modern CNC Swiss-type machines and good old-fashioned “stick” tooling.

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Vertical Turning Upside Down

Using the main spindle for double-duty machining and workpiece load/unload makes sense. It’s a simple idea that has grown in sophistication from turning to multitasking. This article looks at the state of the art using inverted vertical turning for precision volume production.

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Bar Feeders And Workpiece Surface Finish

Quality surface finish of a part is not only dependent on the turning machine itself, but also on the barstock loading and support system. The bar feed system becomes critical to the surface finish outcome by enabling the turning machine to create the desired finish and/or by protecting the existing finish.

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World Machine Tool Survey
Sharp, Durable, Innovative Diamond Powder
Come See Tsugami America at IMTS | Booth 339410
Star swiss-type automatic lathes
Kyocera EZ Bar Series
manufacturer of machine tools
Horn USA