Having just returned from IMTS as I sit to write this month's column, I thought I'd reflect back on some of the really cool stuff I saw at this year's show.
Remote honing analytics with MTConnect-compliant machines makes manufacturing activity and system conditions transparent, enabling rapid implementation of operational and maintenance excellence.
German Machine Tools of America celebrated the company's 25th anniversary during IMTS in Chicago. The celebration took place aboard the private yacht charter Anita Dee II.
Supporting The Manufacturing Institute’s “Dream It. Do It.” program, the donation will help enable hundreds of students to take advantage of STEM education opportunities.
The bar feeder is the most common form of automation for turning operations. Selecting the right one requires consideration of the applications for which it will be used.
This system allows shops to quickly transform the standard external-coolant live tooling heads on their turning machine turrets into those with through-tool-coolant capability.
Similar to scheduling jobs on the shop floor, I need to determine what work needs to get done first, what will take the longest, and what will fit best into the available time.
This automated parts accumulator is designed to complement any bar-fed CNC lathe, providing hours of profitable, unattended operation by safely collecting and organizing finished parts.