Closing the Loop—Post Job Continuous Improvement
You need to have a post job review with the estimating department to make sure the quote was accurate, and if it wasn’t, why wasn’t it, and what will you do differently with the next quote so it doesn’t happen again. Without a process for reviewing a job after completion, our shops are doomed to make the same mistakes again.
One of the best aspects of social media blogging and LinkedIn is the follow up and connections in response to what is posted. I continue to be impressed by the quality of the comments and conversations on LinkedIn as a result of my posts.
My recent post regarding the two most important aspects of quoting elicited this comment from Michael Unmann in the Wire-Net LinkedIn group:
“And how about closing the loop? You need to have a post job review with the estimating dept to make sure the quote was accurate, and if it wasn’t, why wasn’t it, and what will you do differently in the next quote so it doesn’t happen again.”
Thank you Michael. We couldn’t agree more.
Does your shop have an interdepartmental post job review process to address issues with the process and improve it going forward? Is it real or just proforma? What are the best lessons you have learned from your post job review debriefing?
Thanks again to Michael Unmann for taking the conversation to the next level.
Thanks to Potomac Testing for the photo of an interdepartmental meeting.
Originally posted on
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