Horn USA

Demonstrate 'Safety First' Leadership

How many safety violations do you see in this photo?


How many violations can you find here? (photo credit: PMPAspeakingofprecision.com)


I really get annoyed when people tell me to do as they say, rather than as they do. How about demonstrating leadership behaviors that show us that you are serious?

It is incumbent on all of us to commit to a safer workplace. That means leadership by example is critical. If you wear your personal protective equipment (PPE) out in the shop, your employees will get the message that wearing PPE is important for them, too.

As for the safety culture at wherever this photo was taken, well, let’s just say I’m glad my son or daughter does not work here.

Please do not try to stage photos like this for fun. But if you have a favorite “don’t do as I do” safety photo, I’d love to share it with our readers.

Originally posted at PMPAspeakingofprecision.com blog.

SPC Innovations, In-machine gaging and attachments
Horn USA
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