Don’t Take It From Me
In case you’re skeptical of the direct influence your Web site has on your bottom line, listen to what shop owners have said about the various roles their sites have played in their sales processes.
In case you’re skeptical of the direct influence your Web site has on your bottom line, listen to what shop owners have said about the various roles their sites have played in their sales processes. (Names have been changed to protect the rewarded.)
John, a shop owner, says “[One customer] chose to call us because our Web site was very professional looking, and in his experience, companies with professional sites also have a similar approach to . . . business.”
“We have gotten several new customers from our Web site. Two of them (large aerospace contractors) were looking for something unusual that we do,” says Emily, a shop sales and marketing manager. “We get solid leads daily from the Web site, with new orders [almost] every week.”
John adds, ”One of our main marketing elements is our use of [a special CAM] software. We target virtually all our [promotion to] users of [this] software. As a result, some of our biggest customers have [found us through] our site.”
Emily says, “What we do best is high precision machining . . . the two primes that [found us through our Web site] were looking for that.”
The Internet is used by manufacturers of all types to find alternative sources. Your own Web site, like those of John and Emily, is visited often by prospects looking for promising manufacturing partners like you. It deserves your investment and your attention because it’s 2005, and it can help your business today.