
Grieve Oven Cures the Plugs

A 350°F (177°C) bench oven from Grieve is currently used for curing the plug on ends of long cables at a user’s facility.


No. 1024 is a 350°F (177°C) bench oven from Grieve Corporation, which is currently used for curing the plug on end of long cables at a user’s facility, offers workspace dimensions of 28" x 24" x 18". 2 kW are installed in Incoloy-sheathed tubular heating elements, and controls on this product include a digital indicating temperature controller.

This bench oven has a modified roof to provide seven slots with adjustable covers and 2" insulated walls to accommodate varied cable sizes, according to the company. Additional features include a Type 304, 2B finish stainless steel interior and Type 304, No. 4 brushed finish, stainless steel exterior.

Gardner Business Media, Inc.
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