
Hexagon Blue Laser Scanner Measures from Shiny Surfaces

The HP-L-5.8 blue laser scanning sensor from Hexagon is designed for creating point clouds.


The HP-L-5.8 blue laser scanning sensor is designed for creating point clouds. This scanning sensor joins Hexagon’s range of tactile and non-contact sensors for CMMs and is designed for companies who need a versatile, fixed-line laser sensor, according to the company.

The sensor is said to perform equally when taking point cloud measurements from dark or shiny surfaces. It is designed to protect the sensor from collisions and vibrations and is said to be especially useful in areas where accessibility is restricted as well as on smaller CMMs. 

The sensor is compatible with CMMs that use PC-DMIS 2018 R2 and subsequent versions of the software and works with an automatic indexing probe head or continuous wrist, making it easy to operate for users of tactile probing tools, according to the company.

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