Steel weighs approximately 0.2833 pounds per cubic inch.
Steel weighs approximately 489.6 pounds per cubic foot.
To determine the weight per foot of steel for any size of the following sections:
Rounds – (Diameter in inches)2 x 2.670 = Weight per foot in pounds
Squares – (Flat-to-flat size in inches)2 x 3.4 = Weight per foot in pounds
Hexagons – (Flat to flat size in inches)2 x 2.9445 = Weight per foot in pounds
Octagons – (Flat to Flat size in inches)2 x 2.8167 = Weight per foot in pounds
Flats – (Width in inches x Thickness in inches) x 3.4 = Weight per foot in pounds
Aluminum – To determine the weight of aluminum, multiply the steel weight for the shape and size by 0.346.
Brass – To determine the weight of brass, multiply the steel weight for the shape and size by 1.08.
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