
Enough of Those Texts: Find Out What’s Coming Next

Step away from the world of 24/7 text messages, emails, Facebook posts, tweets, voicemails and so on, and set aside a few days to reconnect with your peers.

Rob Kiener, Director of Marketing and Communications, PMPA


Step away from the world of 24/7 text messages, emails, Facebook posts, tweets, voicemails and so on, and set aside a few days to reconnect with your peers. Take advantage of all that the PMPA Annual Meeting has to offer. 

You’ll have opportunities to discuss in-person the most critical issues facing your company and exchange ideas with the very best-of-the-best in the precision machined products supply chain.

The majority of the conference is conducted over the weekend; the meeting begins Friday evening and ends Tuesday morning, which limits your time away from your weekly business commitments. The PMPA Executive Committee, made up of business owners and senior-level managers, designed the program to provide maximum value over the days that you’ll be with us in Bonita Springs.

The site of this year’s meeting, the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point, is an award-winning resort and meeting facility. The property is the perfect size venue for the PMPA Annual Meeting with plenty of areas for learning and networking.

In the coming weeks and months, you’ll learn more about the October conference in Production Machining, PMPA’s website (pmpa.org) and elsewhere. If you have any questions about the 2014 Annual Meeting, contact Rob Kiener, PMPA’s director of government affairs and communications at rkiener@pmpa.org or call him at 440-526-0300, ext. 331.

Be a part of the industry’s 2014 Annual Meeting. Whether you’re a PMPA member or not, we welcome your participation.

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