
PMPA Retains ITR to Provide Members with Critical Trend Data

“ITR has a long track record of success as the only economic forecaster with a 96 percent accuracy rate.”


The Precision Machined Products Association recently retained the services of the Institute for Trend Research (ITR). The institute is the oldest, continuously operating, independent economic research and forecasting firm in the United States. 

Members will benefit greatly from ITR’s forecasting in identifying key economic trends, pinpointing when changes will occur and determining what actions to take to position themselves for future growth.

ITR has a long track record of success as the only economic forecaster with a 96 percent accuracy rate. The institute’s experienced team of economists obtains comprehensive industry statistics, economic performance numbers and secondary data points that other forecasters might overlook, discredit or 
The firm knows where to look for critical information that 
determines the direction of the economy. ITR follows leading 
and other applicable indicators that will give PMPA members a complete view of what lies ahead– so members can take action with conviction.
ITR will provide PMPA with four quarterly forecast reports in two parts. Members will also receive a year-end forecast of the markets covered in the report.
PART 1 – Macroeconomic
• U.S. Industrial Production
• U.S. Leading Indicator 
• Purchasing Managers Index
• Housing Starts
PART 2 – Market Forecasts
• North American Vehicle     
• Aircraft Production
• North American Heavy Truck 
Production Index
• Medical Equipment and 
Supplies Production Index
• Industrial Machinery 
New Orders
Each quarter, an ITR analyst will review the reports with PMPA members via teleconference or webinar. The review will focus on the methodology used by ITR and how it leads to the action items mentioned in the report.
Members will also receive a monthly e-mail highlighting any changes to the markets addressed in the quarterly report. Questions submitted by members concerning the quarterly report will be answered in the monthly e-mail.
With enhanced business intelligence provided by ITR, PMPA members will have a tremendous advantage over their competitors in the marketplace. Best of all, PMPA members receive this value-added service as part of their association membership at no additional cost.
Join PMPA now and receive this invaluable member service. It will help your company identify and profit from key economic trends and growth opportunities as they emerge.
Become a NTMA member today!
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