PM Blog

Sentinel Events – Recognize, Respond, Revisit

Every day, we face numerous challenges. Urgent demands from others, unexpected events, system breakdowns, equipment malfunctions, and failed communications are "all in a day’s work," for most of us. Occasionally, a singular event arrives that has the potential to alter the circumstances of our life or work. Such an event is called a sentinel event.

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Postprocessors: An Integral Part Of Machine Tools

Without a good postprocessor, many machine tools are underutilized. It takes a well-matched post to access the full potential built into a machine.

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A Problem-Solving Approach: One Size Does Not Fit All

Each day, organizations face challenges to become lean within their shops. Often, the focus of these lean activities is not extended to our management practices. Problem-solving methodology is one such management practice where simplicity is sometimes ignored.

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Speed, Accuracy And Power In A CNC Multi World

The inherent advantages of the multi-spindle machine design remain in place within the metalworking industry. What have changed are the volume, complexity and tolerance requirements to which manufacturers must produce. Builders are responding with enhancements that keep traditional multi-spindle advantages, while dealing with the new production issues.

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Volumetric Measurement For Practical Positioning Accuracy

Using a conventional laser interferometer to measure the straightness and squareness errors can be difficult and costly. The process can require days of machine downtime, even with an experienced operator performing the measurements. To address the need for faster, more accurate machine calibration, Optodyne, Inc. (Compton, California) has developed a laser vector measurement technique for the 3D volumetric positioning error measurement.

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Rotary Transfer Machines For Extruded Bar

To address the requirements of extruded bar applications, Italian builder Picchi, which is distributed in the United States through RBR Associates (Darien, Illinois), has developed a line of rotary transfer machines designed to handle round, hex, square, rectangular, elliptical and even complicated extruded shapes.

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Simplifying Machine Load/Unload Automation

Today, lower part volumes and frequent change-over are changing the offerings of some automation integrators. Standard, off-the-shelf components are being engineered to work together in a large variety of applications and, in some cases, are even portable so they can be moved from machine tool to machine tool.

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Multitasking With Brand Loyalty

SureFire LLC (Fountain Valley, California) has found one name in machine tools it can trust, and therefore, has invested in several different types of machines with at least one thing in common—the name "Index" in large letters written on the machines’ bodies.

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Reduce Nonconformances With Automated Inspection

Are you tired of receiving phone calls from your customers requiring you to have a third-party sort? Perhaps you’re finally tired of having to deal with thousands of parts returned to you for sorting because of one or two nonconforming parts that made it through your system. You’ve made up your mind to eliminate this nonsense once and for all—but how?

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PMPA Technical Member Profile: Fischer Special Tooling Corp.

When the Howard H. Fischer Company was founded in 1957, carbide tooling was still relatively unknown. The Mentor, Ohio-based tool and die shop focused on the unique tooling material and soon made its mark as a specialist in custom carbide tooling.

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Trends In Copper And Brass

Copper is selling for $3.70 per pound at the time that I am writing this in mid-September. Thefts of copper materials from homes, businesses and utilities are lead stories and front-page news on television and in the newspapers—even in the Wall Street Journal.

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Workholding For Swiss Turning

In large part, because of the machine’s versatility, Swiss turning is increasing its penetration of the precision turned parts market. As more shops look to this technology, a look at workholding considerations is in order.

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Marubeni Citizen CNC
Sharp, Durable, Innovative Diamond Powder
manufacturer of machine tools
Star swiss-type automatic lathes
Kyocera EZ Bar Series
World Machine Tool Survey
manufacturer of machine tools