Ed & Barbara Kanegsberg Cleaning Consultants

About Barbara: In 1994, I founded BFK Solutions; and, to this day, it has been fun and challenging to be “The Cleaning Lady.” From aerospace, to medical, to metal stamping, to nanotechnology, manufacturers face more and more cleaning challenges; the problems of the 1990’s were only the beginning. Because cleaning involves lots of variables and interaction with surfaces, my “interdepartmental” background turns out to be useful – and I’m not afraid to tackle thorny projects. About Ed: I joined BFK Solutions just over a decade ago. Initially, part of me thought critical cleaning was unintelligible, something based in manufacturing mythology. Then, Barbara got me involved in editing the first edition of “Handbook for Critical Cleaning.” Her actual words were: “If you don’t help me edit this thing, I’m going to toss the computer with the manuscript out the window.” To avoid an unplanned capital expenditure, I began reading. I realized, critical cleaning actually is like rocket science. It’s rational; it can be explained to others. As a teacher, I enjoy helping you understand critical cleaning and seeing you achieve truly effective manufacturing.

Parts Cleaning

How EPA Decisions Might Affect Surface Preparation

Last year, the EPA determined that four degreasing solvents used in parts cleaning pose “unreasonable risks” to workers. By the end of 2022, there should be new rules outlining restrictions on how the solvents can be used. Solvent bans are possible. What should surface finishing companies do?

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Get to Know Cleanliness Standards

With a small amount of practice, it is possible to understand the underlying motivation of a cleaning standard and to figure out the specific aspects of the specification that are applicable to the customer.

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Parts Cleaning

Get to Know Cleanliness Standards

With a small amount of practice, it is possible to understand the underlying motivation of a cleaning standard and to figure out the specific aspects of the specification that are applicable to the customer.

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Parts Cleaning

The Cost of Not Cleaning

Too often, failures are attributable to inadequately removed contamination. 

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The Cost of Not Cleaning

Too often, failures are attributable to inadequately removed contamination. 

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Take Steps to Make Cleaning Changes

A well-designed and carefully maintained cleaning process is essential to build and assemble quality product and to expand the customer base.

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Parts Cleaning

Take Steps to Make Cleaning Changes

A well-designed and carefully maintained cleaning process is essential to build and assemble quality product and to expand the customer base.

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Parts Cleaning

Clean Parts Immediately for Improved Efficiency

Immediately after machining, immerse large parts in mineral spirits or clean them in a small aqueous parts washer.

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Parts Cleaning

The Importance of Drying Parts After Cleaning

Most cleaning processes consist of three steps, not two: wash, rinse and dry.  That drying step is absolutely necessary for everything from product finishing  to product performance to effective throughput to product quality.

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Erasing Particles with Ultrasonics

Particles can result in visible defects in coatings, can interfere with movement of bearings or critical components, can clog nozzles, and can render critical products non-functional.

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Parts Cleaning

Post-Cleaning Corrosion Prevention

To keep corrosion away, understand that cleaning, passivation and corrosion protection are separate activities with distinct functions.

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Choosing the Right Cleaning Tests

The successful manufacturer doesn’t only avoid costs, but also values knowing as much as possible about the benefits and limitations of a cleanliness test, and of staying on top of process trends.

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