Miles Free Director of Industry Affairs, PMPA

Pedestal Grinders, OSHA and You

OSHA cited an Ohio company for 15 safety violations and fined that company $159,600 after a pedestal grinder operator was killed.

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Indicators, Looking Windshield or Rearview Mirror

In recent months, we have seen wild swings in equity markets—government deals that fail to meaningfully address the fundamental problems of runaway spending, downgrade of federal debt and global debt crises.

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Investing in Anticipation

I was intrigued by a recent discussion on the PMPA’s Manufacturing Listserve.

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The Importance of Documenting Employee Safety Violations

The burden is on the employer to prove enforcement of the rules.

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Magic Bullets in Precision Machining

As a supplier of steel bars for machinists for more than 30 years of my professional career, I was often invited to help shops troubleshoot or problem solve.

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Apprentices: Sustaining Our Industry

What is our plan to create our own source of skilled craftsman?

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Where Skills and Talent Come From

Each and every one of the students that participated demonstrated to me that they were qualified, thoughtful, skilled and competent practitioners in the field of Design, Analyze, Manufacture, Test and Perform.

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Three Reasons Why Mechanical Properties of Cold-Drawn Steel Can Vary

Why do the mechanical properties on different shipments of the same size and grade of steel vary so much? 

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Three Commitments for Sustainable Success

We have all learned that the capability to make things is not what drives the market for our products.

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OSHA Noise Reinterpretation Follow-UP

In the January issue of Production Machining, the PMPA section began with an article explaining the OSHA proposed reinterpretation of the definition of “feasible” in the Noise regulations.

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PMPA--What's in it for You?

Ask PMPA members what they value about their PMPA membership and the first thing they are likely to tell you about is “Networking.” Our National Technical Conference is a prime example of the kind of networking they are talking about.

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Adding Value, Creating Value

“Precision machining is a unique business because we often add value by subtracting material.”

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Kyocera EZ Bar Series
World Machine Tool Survey
Star swiss-type automatic lathes
Sharp, Durable, Innovative Diamond Powder
Marubeni Citizen CNC
Horn USA
Sharp, Durable, Innovative Diamond Powder