Miles Free Director of Industry Affairs, PMPA

Parts Cleaning

Obsolete Federal Specifications

The reform of federal government acquisition processes has resulted in the wholesale demise of entire classes of specs, standards and commercial item descriptions. MIL-STDs and MIL-Specs once added up to 35,000 in the early 1990s.

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International Materials Data System Reporting

On September 18, 2000, the European Union established the End of Life Vehicles Directive to identify hazardous materials that were contained in cars. The directive was also designed to determine the content recyclability in vehicles at the end of their useful life. A reporting system called the International Materials Data System (IMDS) was established for standardizing the reporting of chemical compositions finding their way into automobiles.

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Between A Rock And A Hard Place

When the subject of  'material challenges' or 'material difficulties' is brought up in manufacturing, one instantly suspects difficulties in machining or cutting the material. But the real material challenge facing the industry today is the following 1-2-3 punch.

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A Crisis Management Lesson from a Professional Violinist and the San Francisco Symphony

This contingency plan ensured that the soloist and senior violinist had working instruments, allowing the performance to continue. Another part of the organization made the needed repairs on-time and on-site.

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Challenges Facing The Precision Machined Products Industry

It is impossible to ignore the current perfect storm of extreme pricing escalation for raw materials versus the multi-year fixed price contracts we have for our products. (Does anybody know the surcharge du jour?)

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Founding Fathers: A Father’s Day Greeting For Our Industry

While the official title of Sunday, June 20th is “Father’s Day,” I can’t help but be appreciative of the many bosses, supervisors and executives I’ve worked for that made a difference in my career by their mentoring or example.

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What Can I Do Today That Will Make The Most Money For My Company?

Those of you who have heard me speak at district programs know that the above question is the fifth point of my internal compass. Taking a look at this question in light of your shop’s situation will be time well spent, I assure you. Here are some ways to make your company money by improving overall performance.

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Wooden Pallet Regulations Delayed

Do you produce parts for shipment overseas? Do you now or are you thinking about importing parts from overseas? Are you up to speed on the international phytosanitary requirements as they might apply to your shipments?

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Starting A Quality System From Scratch

Most of us work with the quality systems and departments already in place in our companies. Much of our work is determined by the structure and form of the established quality policies, procedures, processes and systems that we have inherited. These systems grew as our businesses did, evolving from an initial inspection focus to systems using statistical process controls, and they now comply with international quality system standards.

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Parts Magnify The Importance Of Lean Setups

Lean setups are not “magic.” They are the result of a logical process. Lean setups are neither smoke nor mirrors. But, like the clever handout used by AMT Machine Systems to make the point during its showfloor demonstration, lean setups can be a lens to magnify the dollar value of the time saved by implementing lean thinking in your operations.

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World Machine Tool Survey
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