Marubeni Citizen-Cincom

It's an App World, Even Ours

In all walks of life these days, apps are springing up to make life easier and more productive. Machining businesses increasingly are no exception.


Machine tool apps are finding their way onto the shop floor through various devises including the machine’s CNC.  

In all walks of life these days, apps are springing up to make life easier and more productive. Machining businesses increasingly are no exception.

A new white paper published by Okuma America, titled "Machine Tool Apps: A Manufacturing Definition," explores how apps that are ubiquitous in people’s personal lives are increasingly being created to assist manufacturers by improving their business lives.

Apps for machine tools are, like most, easily accessible and can be customized to reflect the machining needs of individual companies. They can improve communication, improve quality and help optimize productivity in small, medium and large machine shops.

To this end, Okuma has established an app store that centralizes machine tool apps and related content for the metalworking industry. Click here to down load a copy of the white paper. To access the app store, click here.  

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