
It’s Big, It’s Comprehensive and It’s Coming

E-Newsletter May, 2015


This October, Italy will host the 2015 edition of EMO in Milan. Sponsored by CECIMO, Europe’s Association of the Machine Tool Industries, the biennial world machine tool exhibition takes place October 5-10 at the Fiera Milano exhibition center. 

You’ll be hearing much more about this event as the date moves closer, but it’s never too early to plan a visit, especially overseas. Italy last hosted this show in 2009, and ongoing, it will alternate every 2 years between Hannover, Germany, and Milan. This year’s edition promises to be a much better gathering in Milan than in 2009. We all remember 2009.

EMO is about metalworking and encompasses all segments of the industry like no other. Major segment categories such as metal forming and metalcutting machine tools predominate, however, virtually any technology associated with metalworking exhibits in total.

Visitors and exhibitors represent the widest dispersion of global manufacturing that can be found anywhere—all in one place at one time. EMO brings buyers and sellers together in a single venue to research what’s available in capital equipment from the world that can fit the needs and wants of the manufacturing sector.

Traditionally, the U.S. has a strong presence at EMO both in terms of exhibition and visitors. The show is visitor friendly, and, having been there many times, I can assure you that we are more than welcome. This is even truer this time around, as the U.S. manufacturing economy is so strong. They want to see us.

It’s not too early to consider a visit to EMO. Visit emo-milano.com for details. You’ll be hearing more about the show in the upcoming weeks and months. 

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