
'Green Light' the Spindles in your Shop

Bringing together manufacturers that have machining capacity available and those that are in need of that capacity is at the core of this online community site. 


While the current season brings a heightened sense of peace and joy to most, nothing warms the cockles of a metalworking professional’s heart at this time of year, or any other time of year, than the sight of twinkling  green lights shining brightly across the shop floor. This vision represents that machines are working, making chips and as a result, making the business money.

Reality for the metalworking shop is rarely this rosy. In fact, one of the universally major headaches for production mangers’ shopfloor schedulers is having the right work for the right machine available at the right time. On the flip side, often shops have a green light on one machine filling an order but also have a critical job that needs to be made on a machine it does not have. They need to find a supplier.    

A new player in the U.S. metalworking industry is offering an answer to help balance this capacity usage problem between what is being made and needs to be made. OrderFox.com has launched a US specific website that is an online platform for the CNC machining market, connecting manufacturers, buyers and their suppliers on a global scale.

The site functions as portal to RFQs from OEMs seeking manufacturers and shops that have excess capacity available. Numerous filter tools make searching for jobs efficient, simplifying the matching of machine shops to jobs. It’s a sophisticated platform that has been proven in global markets and is now available in the United States. Click here to learn more. The site is there when you need it to help keep those green lights on year round.  



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