
Manufacturing Day Plants Seeds for a Lifetime

E-Newsletter August 2015


If you are in or interested in manufacturing, please mark Friday, October 2, on the calendar. Manufacturing Day is a self-directed movement within manufacturing to address misconceptions built up over time about manufacturing, opening doors and eyes to the reality of a career in manufacturing. There is no topic as universal in the manufacturing world than the shortage of skilled workers to backfill for the attrition of an aging generation.

The collective effort that is Manufacturing Day is designed to address the skilled labor shortage being faced across the manufacturing landscape and offset the negative image propagated in many quarters about the image of manufacturing. These kids are visual and by showing them the 21st century reality of manufacturing they will see that a sustainable, secure future is theirs to pursue. But first they have to know.

Supported by a group of industry sponsors and co-sponsors, Manufacturing Day is an effort to get the word out about manufacturing through a national movement to coordinate manufacturers with common concerns by focusing their collective energies on a single day. As a rallying point, Manufacturing Day empowers manufacturers to come together in common cause.

The numerous sponsors and co-sponsors have created a very informative and useful website to learn how to get involved with Manufacturing Day, if you are not already. The site contains a Quick Start Guide, a Community Planning Guide and a Host Guide. Learn more about this worthy effort by clicking here.


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