
Reaching Out from the Shop Floor

This successful shop uses many tools to maintain its productive workforce. I have been privy to some of the company’s methods to make it better at what it does and had the pleasure of publishing several articles in which the staff shares what it is doing for the industry at large.


I have known the Wiltsie family for many years and through a couple of generations. The family owns and operates Vanamatic Co. in Delphos, Ohio, which is a successful manufacturer of precision machined parts, an active member of the PMPA and a forward-thinking manufacturing business.

One of the cultural positives about Vanamatic that I have admired and written about though the years is the management’s willingness to share what they learn with the manufacturing community. Some companies like to keep such knowledge close to the chest in order to maintain a sense of a competitive edge. The truth is that a high tide does indeed raise all boats and success of domestic manufacturing is in everyone’s best interest.

Vanamatic understands this and has for a long time. I have been privy to some of the company’s methods to make it better at what it does and had the pleasure of publishing several articles in which the staff shares what it is doing for the industry at large.

In Production Machining’s November issue, Scott Wiltsie, HR manager at Vanamatic, shares some of his initiatives to get and retain new employees in the article “Thinking About Employee Outreach from the Shop’s Perspective.” This issue is usually at the top of the list for most manufacturing shops. Click here to read the article.

Other PM articles about Vanamatic include “The Softer Side of Metalworking” and “Moving Forward with Self-Directed Work Teams.”



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