Ingersoll Cutting Tools

Big Kaiser Donates to NRL Three Years in a Row

Big Kaiser presented a donation for $6,675 to benefit the NTMA’s National Robotics League (NRL). The donation was the result of a year-end promotion by Big Kaiser, giving back to the association a percentage of every order by an NTMA or AMT member company.


At the first general session of the National Tooling and Machining Association’s (NTMA) annual meeting in Tucson, Arizona, Chris Kaiser, president/CEO of Big Kaiser, presented a donation for $6,675 to benefit the NTMA’s National Robotics League (NRL). This was an increase of more than 27 percent from the prior year.

The donation was the result of a year-end promotion by Big Kaiser, giving back to the association a percentage of every order by an NTMA or AMT – Association for Manufacturing Technology member company. Manufacturers placed orders for cutting tools, tool holders, workholding and tool measurement systems, earning funds for the NRL at the same time.

“We all know it is critical for us to engage the next generation in manufacturing at the company, community and national levels,” Mr. Kaiser says. “This year-end promotion is one way for Big Kaiser to show support for the NTMA and to promote workforce development and STEM programs.”

“The NRL is all about the community collaborating together to engage manufacturing's next generation. We truly appreciate BIG KAISER's generous contribution and its continued leadership in supporting initiatives to close the manufacturing skills gap,” says Bill Padnos, NTMA workforce development manager. “We are also grateful to all of the NTMA members who participated in this program.”


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