Carbide cutting tools: Family owned, American made

Soft Blank Jaws Provide Part Clamping

Dillon’s soft jaw blanks feature reduced setup times, aid concentric performance, provide better chuck balance, and have a longer jaw life because of the increased jaw accuracies. 


Dillon’s soft chuck jaw blanks allow for consistent and repeatable part clamping, resulting in faster setups, processing and overall efficiency. They are supplied in standard sizes and feature a milled surface on the jaw end, providing an established surface aiding in positive serration alignment with the front edge of the jaw. 

This datum serves as a location point for positioning the counter-bored holes and the jaws’ serrations, resulting in dimensional matching of Dillon jaw sets. These features are said to reduce setup times, aid concentric performance, provide better chuck balance, and have a longer jaw life because of the increased jaw accuracies. Featuring established surfaces in relation to the jaw serrations, the chuck jaws perform as a standard workholding component for turned or bored parts. 

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