
Sorter Inspects Over 360 Degrees

PMTS 2019: Resec System’s J198 sorter inspects the average, maximum and minimum measurements of each dimension of a part. 


Resec System’s J198 sorter uses a rotating stage to inspect turned parts over a 360-degree rotation cycle. The average, maximum and minimum for each dimension are extracted as the part rotates, thus producing gage repeatability and reproducibility results for measurement of parts that exhibit out-of-round conditions.

In addition, the rotation is designed to enable the identification of chips, burrs and other anomalies that may only be visible in a portion of the part. Precision optics and an LED strobed lamp obtain a quality, blur-free image of the rotating part. After the dimensions have been inspected, the part is ejected into a pass or fail bin. Each part’s measurements are stored in a file and can be retrieved by an SPC application.

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