
SpeedMax SC drills Handle INOX and Other Steel Materials

Inovatools’ SpeedMax inner-cooled SC drills are high-performance precision tools that are required when machining INOX and other steel materials covered by this general term.


Inovatools’ SpeedMax inner-cooled SC drills can handle INOX and all other steel materials covered by this general term. These materials are being used more and more frequently in industrial component production thanks to their special characteristics, such as good mechanical and thermal capacity, good corrosion and erosion resistance. In order to machine this material economically and with surface qualities, high-performance precision tools such as the SpeedMax are required as the drills substrate, geometry and coating have been designed for high edge zone hardness and material toughness.

The basis of the tool is formed by selected carbide that gives the tool a robust core and has been adapted to the cutting challenges of the tough material. The special cutting geometry ensures that high feed rates are possible with reduced cutting forces. Thanks to the special lifting frontal polished section and the six-surface tip, the drill is self-centering and generates the chip shape required for the cutting data.

The coating has been designed for the materials to be machined, is temperature- and oxidation-resistant and has a low tendency to stick to metals. This can be seen in improved wear behavior and longer service lives compared with conventional drills.

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