PM Blog

Help Employees See Their Blind Spots

The Johari Window is an elegant and potent model, as it simply helps people to understand the most effective way to optimize their value in the workplace.

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Big Changes for the Medical Device Industry

The medical device industry is poised for tremendous growth. Suppliers should be prepared to adapt to the changing needs of their customers.

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Parts Cleaning

Clean Parts Immediately for Improved Efficiency

Immediately after machining, immerse large parts in mineral spirits or clean them in a small aqueous parts washer.

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Medical’s Mystique

Medical manufacturing is a challenging topic to cover because of the proprietary nature of so many of the products. But the technology involved and its impact on people make it exciting.

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Dry Swiss Machining in Medical

Continuing to build its reputation for creative solutions, this multi-faceted medical device component manufacturer took its Swiss machining operations to a new level to meet a customer’s market demands.

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PMTS 2019 Cleaning Segment Focuses on Demand for Cleaner Parts

To get a feel for the current hot topics in parts cleaning prior to the show, we asked several of the exhibitors about what attendees should expect the show “buzz” to be as well as their thoughts and insights about the show and conference.

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NTC 2019: A Crossroads of Talent and Technology

What two words summarize our view of our businesses? In my experience with visiting the member companies of the PMPA, I would suggest those two words would be “talent and technology.”

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Craftsman’s Cribsheet Number 73: 5 Must-Do Safety Contacts to Start the New Year

These five regulations are applicable to our shops and make a great logical foundation for getting 2019’s safety training off to a good start.

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Masters of the Small Hole

Hole making is considered the most frequently performed metalworking operation. Hole making on a micro level, say 0.010 inch and smaller, is where it gets interesting. This shop is very good at making small holes.

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PMPA Member PFI Precision Machining Finds Success in Equipment Investment and Employee Training

PFI invests heavily in its equipment and offers screw machining, CNC machining, Swiss turning and multi-spindle turning processes. The company focuses on manufacturing a myriad of high precision parts, including sensor components, solenoid components, valve seats, inserts for molded parts, fittings, assemblies and brackets.

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Top Posts from 2018

Here’s quick access to the 10 most popular Production Machining blog posts from 2018. Maybe you missed something that could have a significant impact on your business.

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Hexagon Forms Production Software Business

Vero Software, FASys and Spring Technologies will adopt Hexagon’s corporate identity.

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World Machine Tool Survey
Marubeni Citizen CNC
Sharp, Durable, Innovative Diamond Powder
Horn USA
Kyocera EZ Bar Series
manufacturer of machine tools