PM Blog

PMPA Technical Member ZPS America Finds Success in Delivering Cost-Effective Solutions and Leading Customer Service

Today, the Tajmac-ZPS Group employs more than 2,200 people, has more than 450 installations across North America and is the biggest manufacturer of multi-spindle bar machines.

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High Demand Creates Growth in Aerospace Industry

The combined results of a strong global growth of both passenger and freight air transport demand followed by strong demand for new aircraft and increasing competition between aircraft manufacturers should point to a robust aerospace market for years to come.

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Data-Driven Manufacturing Brings Efficiency to the Shop Floor

Developments in data-driven manufacturing, or digitization of the shop floor, are going far beyond merely knowing whether or not machines are in cycle.

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Technology or People?

In your shop, do your people operate your machines? What impressed me the most was the implicit, built-in assumptions at HORN that it was the people leading the machine tools, rather than the machine tools leading the people.

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Parts Cleaning

BMW Orders 100th EcoCFlex in 12 Years

These third-generation flexible robotized cells are used for cleaning and deburring of engine components and have been adapted to suit BMW’s current technical expectations.

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Bond Selection for Production Grinding

Proper grinding wheel selection is essential to ensure that the required part quality, production rate, and overall cost per part is achieved. Although the type of abrasive grain is often a primary driver of wheel selection, the bonding type can also play a key role in optimizing a grinding operation.

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Production Machining Index: June 2017 - 55.3

Production Machining Business Index is holding steady.

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UK’s Renishaw Participates in International Women in Engineering Day

The effort is designed to draw attention to how important women are to engineering, career opportunities for women in engineering and to celebrate the accomplishments of women in engineering.

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A German Approach to Training

Have you ever wondered what Europeans are doing right to generate strong interest in manufacturing careers? Our June Last Word contributor got a first-hand look at the German approach and has some interesting thoughts on how to apply the Germans' strategies.

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Bringing Work in House Makes Shops More Independent

As we celebrate our country’s independence this Fourth of July, I decided to take a look at some shops that are creating a bit of their own independence by taking on certain tasks in house that they used to send out.

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Parts Cleaning

Clean and Green Cleaning Seminars are Coming to a Location Near You

To educate attendees about changes in government regulations, deliver new information and provide training on cleaning process' best practices, Kyzen Corp. has created “Clean and Green” seminars.

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New Apprenticeship Program Coined ‘Learn and Earn’

The company's new apprenticeship program is for local high school students and will pay tuition and provide an hourly wage and benefits.

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Kyocera EZ Bar Series
Sharp, Durable, Innovative Diamond Powder
World Machine Tool Survey
Horn USA
Marubeni Citizen CNC
Come See Tsugami America at IMTS | Booth 339410
manufacturer of machine tools