PM Blog


The Upside of Vertical Turning

Vertical turning centers that use the main spindle to load and unload themselves are finding increasing acceptance as multitasking capabilities make them efficient processing centers for producing chucked parts.

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Barfeeding Small Diameters

This shop may be located off the beaten path but it’s certainly found a successful and profitable home by applying top of the line technology to its medical part production mix.

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Working Smarter

In today’s intensely competitive manufacturing environment we all strive to improve productivity and profitability.

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Turning Machines

The Benefits of a B Axis

We know about the basic XYZ axes on a machine, but what about another axis called a B axis?

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People Make the Difference

At our core we humans are social creatures.

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Machine Tool Shopping at Your Shop

June E-Newsletter

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Electronic Dial Bore Gage

It’s another one of those “necessary evils” that shopfloor employees often don’t appreciate the significance of.

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Double Production with 2 Slides

Simplifying operations commonly provides more consistent results in a job by reducing error.

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Clippard Instrument Laboratory Inc.

In 1941, William Leonard Clippard, Jr. founded a company that sold electrical test equipment, magnetic windings and radio frequency coils.

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Parts Cleaning

Ultrasonic Cleaning for Large Lots of Small Parts

Machining operations such as turning, milling, drilling and grinding leave traces of contaminants behind on workpieces. Ultrasonic cleaning allows for the removal of coolant, chips, polishing paste and other residue in a quick, reliable and economical manner.

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Adapting the Deming Cycle to the Management Process

The Deming Cycle (Plan, Do, Check, Act) is a staple of management in the manufacturing world.

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Optimizing B Axis on Gang Tool-Based Swiss Machines

This technological innovation has been increasing in popularity as well as multitasking sophistication.

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Kyocera EZ Bar Series
Star swiss-type automatic lathes
Horn USA
Sharp, Durable, Innovative Diamond Powder
manufacturer of machine tools
World Machine Tool Survey
Sharp, Durable, Innovative Diamond Powder