PM Blog

Process Integration Boosts American Manufacturing

After the traditional summer slowdown in machine tool orders, it was encouraging to see the activity in September.

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First Deadline 1 Year Away for Revised OSHA Hazard Communication Standard

On May 25, OSHA aligned its Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) with the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS) in use in Europe.

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New CNC Multi-Spindle Designed for Form Tools

Advances in technology can be disruptive. However, some advances can provide new possibilities for existing methods and tools leading to leaps forward in efficiency and effectiveness.

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A Look at Precision Machining by PMPA President Ron Bracalente

Another key element of our industry is the knowledge base we have. We’re not new to manufacturing, and we have the know-how behind us, but we are losing that knowledge.

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The Most Important Challenge

I just returned from two and a half days at IMTS, the metalworking industry’s biggest gathering in North America.

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Vote or Shut Up

If all politics is local then what happens on the national/federal level may seem to be removed from our villages, townships, cities and states.

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Cutting Tools

Micro-Boring Tool Calms ‘Perfect Storm’ for Medical Parts Fabricator

In one of its first commercial applications, an Ingersoll micro-boring tool has brought process stability to a machining application that the user describes as a “perfect storm.”

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Finishing Touch

Tornos is not an everyday name in the surface finishing industry, but the company is well known as a machine tool builder, with some of the best machines in the world coming out of its European headquarters.

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The Manufacturing Mandate: Building a Smartforce

We need to change perceptions about what it means to have a career in manufacturing.

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No Substitute for Peer-to-Peer

Modern manufacturing as we know it is a complex blend of many disciplines. Managing a metalworking shop is no longer exclusively about making good parts.

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Turn-Milling Can Turn a Process Around

Sometimes, standard tooling is just not enough.

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Cutting Tools

Capitalizing on Manufacturing’s Vitality

Most sources indicate that manufacturing in the U.S. is on a very strong path right now.

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Sharp, Durable, Innovative Diamond Powder