Emuge Thread Mills, Gages for Safety-Critical Applications
These tools are designed to increase tool life and reduce cycle times.
Emuge-Franken expands its line of Self-Lock thread locking tools with the Emuge ZGF-S-Cut thread mill and high-ramp precision thread gages designed for gaging Emuge Self-Lock thread profiles.
The thread mills feature helical flutes, multiple teeth and TIALN-T46 coating to produce self-locking threads the company says are well suited for demanding industry applications such as aerospace where nickel alloys, titanium and stainless steel are the norm. Its design is said to enable three-tooth pitches to simultaneously rough and finish cut threads, thereby increasing tool life and reducing cycle times.
The ZGF-S-Cut self-locking thread mills have a left-hand helix flute design with left-hand spindle rotation, which is said to greatly enhance stability and cutting performance. The first of three cutting teeth acts as a rougher, while the second and third teeth finish the full thread profile, said to provide perfect threads, cycle time reductions and longer tool life. TIALN-T46 coating resists heat and wear, and further extends tool life. The thread mills are available in 16 sizes from 2-56 up to ½-20" for UNC or UNF threads, and tools starting at the ¼" size and larger feature axial coolant capability.
The high-ramp precision no-go thread plug gages are used to check the lower thread ramp point for possible ramp angle errors and used along with standard Emuge Self-Lock thread plug gages to verify all thread profile features. The profile of the threads is said to enable an even distribution of stress over the entire thread length, eliminating slippage. They are said to show constant, maximum holding power under dynamic stress. Functions are said to remain in good operation even with repeated loosening and retightening of the thread connection. The locking effect is caused by the ramp-shaped surface integrated into the thread profile. The Self-Lock technology is said to result in increased threading tool life for larger thread hole diameters and provide larger tolerances for thread hole diameters.
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