
Gun Barrel Processing Cell Incorporates Drilling, Reaming and Rifling

The machines can be combined into processing cells that enable efficient drilling, reaming and rifling as many as 20,000 small-caliber firearm barrels a month.


Absolute Machine Tools’ Precihole machines can be combined into processing cells that enable efficient drilling, reaming and rifling.

Absolute Machine Tools’ Precihole machines can be combined into processing cells that enable efficient drilling, reaming and rifling.

Absolute Machine Tools’ Precihole machines can be combined into processing cells that enable efficient drilling, reaming and rifling as many as 20,000 small-caliber firearm barrels a month.

A cell is typically composed of three machines. First, Precihole’s four-spindle gun drilling machine permits deep drilling of four barrels simultaneously. An open machine configuration facilitates robot access, minimizing operator involvement and supporting 24/7 operation. Depending on individual model configuration, the machine can drill IDs from 0.04" to 1.57" and barrel stock from 0.4" to 4.0" OD.

Next in the process is a two-spindle, pull-reaming machine that features automation for insertion and repositioning of reamers. Reduced setup time and rapid operating parameters (0- to 20-ipm pulling speeds) support high-volume barrel finishing and polishing.

Finally, Precihole’s button rifling machine forms precise barrel grooves at speeds up to 80 ipm.

Depending on the machine model, both reaming diameters and rifling size can range from 0.15" to 0.59", and depth from 24" to 60".

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