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Marubeni Citizen-Cincom Accessories Provide Faster Cycle Times

IMTS 2024: Marubeni Citizen-Cincom is showcasing a range of machining accessories designed to work intuitively with Citizen machines.


Tandem Thread Whirling Unit

Tandem Thread Whirling Unit.
Source: Marubeni Citizen-Cincom

Marubeni Citizen-Cincom features demonstations of engineered accessories for Cincom and Miyano, and how they work intuitively with Citizen machines.

The Tandem Thread Whirling Unit was originally designed for complicated bone screw machining. It can be used on all complex threaded components to run faster cycles and greater throughput.

Adaptive Guide Bushings can be used in place of standard guide bushings. Adaptive bushing adjust and maintain non-ground stock variance of tolerance, allowing for bar deviation up to 0.008". Constant pressure guide bushings provide greater rigidity and uniformity of setup, according to the company.

High-Pressure Coolant Systems are specialized for performing deep-hole operations such as gun drilling and boring. The systems deliver coolant to the tip of the tool, keeping the tool and workpiece free of chips and increasing tool life.

Mist Control Exclusive Quadruple Pass ESP technology provides efficiency in a compact, easy-to-install system.

The Hobbing Attachment makes gear production simple and fast to program with Citizen controls.

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Marubeni Citizen-Cincom will be exhibiting new technology at IMTS 2024 in Chicago, IL this September.

Plan to meet up with their team or get registered here!

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