Schwanog's Insertable Tools Ground Individually
PMTS 2019: With its PWP and PWP-D insertable form drill system, Schwanog is said to address the problem of high setup times as the insert holder stays in the machine during insert changeover.
With its PWP and PWP-D insertable form drill system, Schwanog is said to address the problem of high setup times as the insert holder stays in the machine during insert changeover. This design enables the center height to be unchanged. The insertable carbide tool is ground individually, according to customer specifications and can hold a tolerance of as little as ± 0.02 mm and repeatability is 0.02 mm. The form drill systems are available in various carbide grades.
As the insertable form drill systems are limited to a bore diameter of as much as 28 mm and as deep as 16 mm, the company added solid carbide drills to complement its line of form drill products for larger bore sizes and deeper holes. The solid carbide drills are ground individually, according to customer specifications and can hold a minimum tolerance of ± 0.02 mm as well. The efficiency of both systems can lead to cost reductions of 40 percent or more, according to the company.
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