Sump Cleaner Transport Base Handles Coolant in Large Plants
Cecor’s CB6 Sump Shark sump cleaner transport base can move a sump cleaner through a plant between collection, treatment or disposal, and off the truck an operator can use controls to maneuver the unit into tight spots and next to machine tools.
Cecor’s CB6 Sump Shark sump cleaner transport base can move a sump cleaner through a plant between collection, treatment or disposal. The sump cleaner is mounted on a battery-powered pallet truck with stand-on platform for driving. According to the company, off the truck, an operator can use controls to maneuver the unit into tight spots and next to machine tools for sump cleaning.
The sump cleaner uses high suction lift to remove coolant, chips and sludge from sump. Solids are caught in a filter, while coolant passes into the tank. An operator can then drive the unit to a reclamation or disposal station.
The walk/ride pallet truck operates on a 24-V battery. With a tight turning radius, the pallet truck maneuvers through narrow aisles and around tight corners, the company says. The base has a battery charge indicator and automatic charger and also features a speed controller with adjustable acceleration/braking.
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