Turning Machines

Automation In A Production Shop

Production turning automation is the beneficiary of increasingly powerful design and application tools. This makes it much easier to create automation that fits the application.

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Cutting Tools

Shop Sticks With Stick Tooling

Who says we can’t be competitive on simple parts? The secret for making it happen at one Connecticut shop is the combination of modern CNC Swiss-type machines and good old-fashioned “stick” tooling.

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Vertical Turning Upside Down

Using the main spindle for double-duty machining and workpiece load/unload makes sense. It’s a simple idea that has grown in sophistication from turning to multitasking. This article looks at the state of the art using inverted vertical turning for precision volume production.

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Swiss-Type Machines: More Than Just a Lathe

CNC Swiss-Type machines have more capability built in than ever before. Many of these capabilites can be accessed using attachments that increase the throughput of the machine tool, improve the quality of the work coming off the machine and reduce or eliminate the need for secondary operations even for very complex workpieces.

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Turning Machines

Options On A Subspindle

Subspindles can do much more than backworking. This article looks a various options currently available.

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Research Zone For Swiss-Types

ProductionMachining.com now offers special-emphasis Zones that directly relate to technologies that are of the highest interest to our readers. The Swiss-Type Screw Machine Zone provides an assortment of tools that allow thorough research of Swiss turning.

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Swiss Shop Serves Medical And More

For more than 20 years this Chicagoland shop has been a supplier to one of the world’s largest manufacturers of medical devices. It’s a relationship that is built on mutual trust, consistent performance and a long-term view of the business of manufacturing. It’s also about properly applied technology.  

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High Speed Spindles For Swiss Machining

This article discusses the use of high-speed spindles in Swiss machining applications. Sufficient rotational speed is necessary to take advantage of tooling materials in small diameter cutters.

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Bar Feeders

Drafting New Players For Swiss Precision

Consistent operations play a big part in attaining high productivity. That’s why, as a shop grows (as this Swiss shop has), it should look to add machines—and employees—that complement each other.

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Concrete Reasoning On Swiss Turning

This tech brief discusses the application of polymer concrete as a machine base material for precision Swiss turning.

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WFL Millturn Technologies
Marubeni Citizen CNC
MWR120 Automated Twin Spindle Multitasking CNC
Star CNC
Kyocera EZ Bar Series
Sharp, Durable, Innovative Diamond Powder
Marubeni Citizen CNC
MWR120 Automated Twin Spindle Multitasking CNC