Turning Machines

12-Axis Swiss-Type Machine For Complex Parts

The 12-axis Swiss-type machine features an independent three-turret design to allow three tools to be used at any time, working simultaneously in the cut. Fully independent front/back machining capability enables a variety of tools to make complicated parts in a single operation. Providing fast rapids and a quick tool change with great accuracies, the ECAS-20T is suitable for traditionally difficult and complex parts, the company says.

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Multi-Spindle Offers Eight Independent Spindle Speeds

The MultiSigma 8 × 24 produces complex parts in one setup. Eight independent spindles allow for high flexibility, while an integrated robot allows for the automatic unloading of parts into a pallet. The machine is supplied with the latest motorspindles, featuring synchronous motors.

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Turn 1'' Barstock

The Sigma 20, a high-speed sliding headstock turning center, is designed with the flexibility required in a job shop environment. This machine can turn simple to moderately complex parts. The counterspindle is as powerful as the main spindle, allowing operators to perform simultaneous machining to minimize cycle times, the company says.

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Reinventing The Multi-Spindle's Spindle Drive

Applying CNC to a multi-spindle machine must deal with the problem of independently powering each of the main spindles. A machine, new to the North American market, overcomes this problem with a unique approach.

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Investment Pays Off For Contract Shop

This shop added a CNC multi-spindle to its operation and reduced its cycle time and setup time.

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CAM For Multitasking Operations

While still running a few different CAM systems in the shop, this manufacturer of aerospace and oil and gas industry components has implemented what it sees as the ideal package for programming its multitasking work.

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Commitment To Quality

Increased demands for quality have led tooling manufacturers in a new direction.

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Lights-Out Benefits

Here are some pointers for working towards successful untended operations.

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Turning Center Categorization

 With the number of turning centers on the market, matching a machine with the right capabilities for a shop's needs can affect price and performance. Thsi article looks at three levels of turning center capabilities and how each plays out various application specifications.  

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Turning Toward The Future

This new machine tool represents the lastest in a new generation of CNC multi-spindle automatics. Its development was a clean sheet approach and the results are impressive.

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WFL Millturn Technologies
Marubeni Citizen CNC
Star CNC
MWR120 Automated Twin Spindle Multitasking CNC
Horn USA
Marubeni Citizen CNC
manufacturer of machine tools
MWR120 Automated Twin Spindle Multitasking CNC