Turning Machines

Are Bar Fed Machining Centers the Next Big Thing?

Advanced mill-turn machines with bar fed material handling can overcome several inherent weaknesses of production machining on vertical machining centers.


CNC Lathes, Machining Centers and More

The company’s Mori Seiki NT1000SZM, as well as the DMG CTX gamma 2000 TC are available.

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Turning Machines

Milling and Turning with Automatic Tool Changing

The Integrex j-Series performs four-axis simultaneous machining with five-axis tool tip positioning.

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Turning/Boring/Milling Centers

The M120 mill-turn/6,500-mm machine is equipped with machining lengths ranging from 78" to 315" and a swing ranging to 48". Along with power ranges (ranging to 168 hp) and torque values (ranging to 8,680 foot-pounds) of the main spindle, feed rates on all axes make for dynamics and productivity.

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Turning Machines

Reducing Cycle Times with Vertical Turning

Here's a look at Emag's 250 platform, the company's latest lineup of inverted vertical turning lathes.

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Bar Feeders

Connecting the Technologies

This Missouri shop uses new advances in machine to machine communications to achieve its goals of lights out manufacturing and quick changeover.

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A Bird's-Eye View of Vertical Turning

In the right applications, vertical turning can provide significant production benefits through higher capacity, rigidity, versatility, and ease of automation. Here’s a look at several examples of vertical turning at its finest.

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Turning Machines

Making Hire to Retire Work

This Canadian shop builds its succes around advanced machine tool tecnology, such as turn-mill, and an enlightened approach to employee relations.

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Multitasking Turning Center Enables Value-Added Service

Going the extra mile for customers is something that not all shops take advantage of for one reason or another.

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Cutting Tool R&D Proves Productive

Paying attention to small differences in cutting tool technology makes an impact at this New England Swiss shop.

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MWR120 Automated Twin Spindle Multitasking CNC
WFL Millturn Technologies
Star CNC
Marubeni Citizen CNC
Star swiss-type automatic lathes
Marubeni Citizen CNC
Sharp, Durable, Innovative Diamond Powder
Marubeni Citizen CNC