Turning Machines

Here, Multi-Spindles are Alive and Well

While the nature of multi-spindle work has changed over time, the demand for parts produced using this technology remains strong for this Midwest contract manufacturer, which successfully blends older cam and new CNC multi-spindle machine technologies.

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Turning Machines

Vertical Turning Frees Up Brake Production

When it comes to machine tools, Andreas Jung, plant manager at Siegerland Bremsen, Haiger, Germany, is not so easy to fool.

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Software Simplifies Turn-Mill Operations

An international player in the highly competitive aeronautics, automotive, defense and optical industries makes the most of software for multitasking program verification and optimization.


The Upside of Vertical Turning

Vertical turning centers that use the main spindle to load and unload themselves are finding increasing acceptance as multitasking capabilities make them efficient processing centers for producing chucked parts.

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Barfeeding Small Diameters

This shop may be located off the beaten path but it’s certainly found a successful and profitable home by applying top of the line technology to its medical part production mix.

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Turning Machines

The Benefits of a B Axis

We know about the basic XYZ axes on a machine, but what about another axis called a B axis?

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Optimizing B Axis on Gang Tool-Based Swiss Machines

This technological innovation has been increasing in popularity as well as multitasking sophistication.

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Metamorphosis of a Brown & Sharpe Department

This plant needed to maximize machine utilization and decrease labor costs. It began by upgrading its Department 417 Brown & Sharpe single-spindle screw machines.

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Machines that Make Machines

I recently got another look at the facilities of a machine tool builder. It was a good reminder of what's involved in bringing the machines together.

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Shop Gains Process Control with Automation

Eliminating variability from the manufacturing flow is a goal for most shops. Automation can allow reallocation of resources to accomplish this.

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Star CNC
WFL Millturn Technologies
MWR120 Automated Twin Spindle Multitasking CNC
Marubeni Citizen CNC
Kyocera EZ Bar Series
Star swiss-type automatic lathes
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Star CNC