PM Blog


To our readers, advertisers, channel partners, we, the staff of Production Machining, wish all of you a safe and happy Thanksgiving.

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Cutting Tools

PMPA Chapter Meeting Covers Threading

The PMPA Indiana/Southern Ohio Chapter meeting on November 15 covered “All Things Threading,” with presentations from Horn USA and LMT Tools (Fette), and included live threading demonstrations on the Technical Equipment's showroom floor.

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ERP Software Paves Road to Victory

A shop management system is helping this race team manage the constant change and demands for high performance at the track.

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Video: The Man-Machine Interface

As robotic technology continues to advance, it’s interesting to consider the relationship between man and machine in today’s industrial environment.

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Parts Cleaning

Understanding the Vacuum Cycling Nucleation Process

VCN can offer enhanced surface treatment performance in both aqueous and solvent applications.

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Ductility as Measured by Tensile Testing

In this article, I will describe how to measure ductility and use it to predict behavior based on values reported on certs and test reports.

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Using Standard Work to Best Serve Customers

At UPS, the standard work discipline of no left turns delivers results to the bottom line, while better meeting customer demand, increasing the safety of drivers and the public and reducing the resources used.

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Advances in Swiss-Type Technology

R&D efforts in recent years have led to higher efficiencies, increased agility and expanded capabilities for shops performing Swiss-type turning.

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Metalcutting Fluids Fight Microbial Contamination

Metalcutting fluids have always been vulnerable to microbial contamination, but new formulations address that problem.

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Trade Associations Stepping Up to Apprenticeship Plate

AMT - The Association for Manufacturing Technology is partnering with NIMS, the National Institute for Metalworking Skills, to support expansion of registered apprenticeships within manufacturing.

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Doug Coster to Serve as PMPA President

The secret to longevity starts with having great people, and our employees are key in what makes our business go forward.

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Okuma and Chip Ganassi Host High School Students

Okuma and Chip Ganassi Racing gave high school students a behind–the-scenes tour of the race facility while discussing CNC machining technologies and careers.

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Star swiss-type automatic lathes
Come See Tsugami America at IMTS | Booth 339410
World Machine Tool Survey
Horn USA
manufacturer of machine tools
Kyocera EZ Bar Series
Kyocera EZ Bar Series