PM Blog

What’s the Point of Being Published?

When approached by an editor about collaborating on a feature article, some machine shops are hesitant at first, curious about what the return on their investment of time will be.

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A New Source for Cryogenic Tooling

BlueZone cryogenic tooling, designed by 5ME and manufactured and marketed by Star SU, provides benefits including aggressive material removal and increased tool life.

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Luck of the Draw, Sort Of

I admire and support the U.S. military and especially solute our veterans on their day.

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Gardner Business Index, Precision Machining: October 2016 - 48.8

The precision machining index inched up in October to its highest level since March.

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Lights Out, Machines On

Whether you’re currently involved in lights-out machining or just interested in learning more about the process, this company’s experience will provide useful insights.

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A Memorable Shop

Often, success hinges on the application of the right technology that’s well applied to the company’s manufacturing processes.

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My Turn on Emerging Technology

November’s My Turn column looks at the way new technologies affect perspectives on the shop floor.

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Cutting Tools

Video: Micro Insert for Live Tooling on Swiss Lathes

This easy-loading 5-mm I.C. micro insert is designed to run at maximum feed rates and is equipped with fine-pitched densities for high-productivity machining.


Are You Leaving Money on the Table?

When it comes to pricing your products, be sure to factor in the quality, service and dependability you provide rather than caving too quickly to requests for discounts.

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App Puts Manufacturing Support in the Palm of Your Hand

A new app is simplifying research for the right tool, the right cutting data and proper process knowledge.

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PMPA Annual Meeting Wraps Up

Yesterday saw the close of PMPA’s 2016 Annual Meeting, which provided members with fantastic networking opportunities while offering business sessions that addressed issues strongly affecting our businesses today.

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An Education-Focused Makerspace Offers Modern Day Shop Classes

Vocademy is an education-focused makerspace, providing classes on weekdays and making its machine tools and equipment available to other creative individuals on nights and weekends.

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World Machine Tool Survey
manufacturer of machine tools
Horn USA
Marubeni Citizen CNC
Kyocera EZ Bar Series
Sharp, Durable, Innovative Diamond Powder
manufacturer of machine tools