PM Blog

A Good Year for NIMS Means a Good Year for Us

In 2015, NIMS awarded a record number of credentials to individuals seeking to enter or advance in manufacturing jobs.

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Emuge Donates Cutting Tools for Training

Emuge Corp. has recently donated hundreds of high performance taps, end mills and other rotary cutting tools to Quinsigamond Community College of Worcester, Massachusetts.

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PMPA Member Wins 2015 Best Plants Award

Operational excellence and continuous improvement were two factors that earned Camcraft a place among the 26th class of annual award winners.

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Robot Aids Additive Research

Delcam's ABB robot that's fitted with a cold metal transfer welding head will be used mainly for research in robot programming for metal additive manufacturing.

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Shop Safety with Fire Suppression

Mom always said, “Better safe than sorry.” Fire prevention measures can be the difference between business as usual and catastrophe on the shop floor.

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Video: A Pressing Issue

If you’re generating wet chips and sending them straight to the recycler, you’re paying to have the extra weight removed. Briquetting helps you recover that expense, as well as your cutting fluids.


Determine if Scanning is the Best Measurement Option

Think about what can potentially go wrong when scanning a component, then determine if it is the right process to use.

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Your Job Matters

I often think about the significance of my job in the big picture. I wonder how important what I do is to the greater good of society. I question if I’m in the right position to contribute to the best of my ability or if I should be doing something that allows me to more directly see results.

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Metalworking Fluids Address Increasing Demands

This line of metal removal emulsion technology products offers end users of metalworking fluids a defined selection of choices to suit their specific needs for process efficiency and lower total cost of ownership.

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Loyalty Bolsters Shop’s Growth

This shop has found its groove with four Ganesh CNC machines that have proven to deliver the performance and quality the company and its customers expect.

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Process Control in the Medical Shop

For this shop, successful delivery of medical and dental components is about proper process and machine tools that can handle the job.

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Parts Cleaning

Removing Particulate Contaminants from a Cleaning System

Employing the most appropriate technique and a correctly designed system for maintaining bath quality can lower cleaning costs.

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World Machine Tool Survey
Kyocera EZ Bar Series
Horn USA
Come See Tsugami America at IMTS | Booth 339410
Marubeni Citizen CNC
Star swiss-type automatic lathes
Sharp, Durable, Innovative Diamond Powder
Come See Tsugami America at IMTS | Booth 339410