PM Blog

Parts Cleaning

Cleaning and Corrosion Protection with Solvents

Protect parts against rust in an efficient and sustainable way.

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Industry 4.0 Through Metrology's Eyes

High precision 3D laser and CT scanning bring all the “big data” directly from shop floor to top floor.

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Top Ten OSHA Violations

Patrick Kapust, deputy director of OSHA’s directorate of enforcement programs, presented the “OSHA Top Ten” at the National Safety Council 2015 Safety Congress.

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Recovering customer-caused waste in your shop, Part 1

What are you doing to recover customer-caused waste in your shop?

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Knowing the Technology Will Sell your Product

In asking our customers how we can better serve them, we have been listening carefully to their responses.

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The Way We Need to Do It

Many shops tend to rely, in many cases too heavily, on internal training for new hires. This can and does often result in a “that’s how we’ve always done it” kind of mindset for newbies.

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Methods Engineer Receives 30 Under 30 Award

Brittany Speroni was chosen by SME for her exceptional talent and leadership in STEM.

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Playing the ‘Long Game’ in the Halls of Congress

In concise, 20-minute conferences, we articulated clearly and forcefully the legislative priorities for members of the precision machining industry.

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PMPA Member Fischer Special Tooling Wins at Problem Solving and Performance

"PMPA has been a one-stop shop from a management and technical perspective, and every company needs some guidance. Whether you’re a tool or a machine shop, you’re going to gain some powerful and thought-out practices.”

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Open the Doors and Let Them In

PTG is integrating graduate students from the University of Manchester to experience real world working conditions at the company's headquarters.

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Advantages of Cellular Manufacturing

Manufacturing cells are used to minimize product movement as well as materials, equipment and labor during the manufacturing process. By reducing cycle times and material handling, these cells help shops more easily meet customer demands regarding cost, quality and leadtimes.

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Horn USA
World Machine Tool Survey
Marubeni Citizen CNC
Horn USA