PM Blog

OSHA Top 10 Violations from 2013

Savvy managers will make sure their safety training plans cover the general industry and general requirements topics listed here.

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Reshoring Optimism

The company recently announced a major shopfloor reconfiguration to free up manufacturing space for the influx on new business coming back to the U.S. from overseas.

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SMTCL Announces Upcoming U.S. Factory

To complement its current manufacturing facilities in Europe and Asia, SMTCL has announced plans for a 100,000-square-foot facility to supply the North American market.

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PMPA Opposes OSHA’s Expanded Workplace Rule

The Precision Machined Products Association (PMPA) filed official comments opposing an administration proposal to place additional burdens on employers while loosening injury reporting requirements on employees.

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Parts Cleaning

Select an Efficient Cleaning System

For a shop to be as efficient as possible, management must take all aspects of the company into consideration, including its parts cleaning processes.

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Tool Monitoring for Complex Machining

One of the biggest challenges to tool monitoring on a multitasking machine is coping with simultaneous cutting operations. Caron Engineering (Wells, Maine) designed a system to meet this challenge.

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We Have a Winner!

A Romi CNC lathe was awarded to Marshall Manufacturing during an IMTS giveaway.

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Quick-Change Vise Jaws System

Quick-change workholding systems can provide a great opportunity to increase production while allowing relatively quick recovery of the cost.

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Large Threading with Single Spindle

Oilfield pipes require large, quality threads. This Texas shop is getting the performance it needs from two recently implemented big bore lathes.

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Cutting Tools

Turning Exotic Materials

Heat-resistant superalloys and titanium alloys are difficult to machine. This overview looks at machining demands and some recent developments that have elevated performance and process security in turning these materials.

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Craftsman's Cribsheet: Lockout Tagout: Inspection

Providing lockout/tagout devices and ensuring that equipment is capable of being locked out/tagged out are key management responsibilities.

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Consolidate Orders to Save on Shipping

As a general rule of thumb, one big order ships for less than three smaller orders.

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Horn USA
Come See Tsugami America at IMTS | Booth 339410
Marubeni Citizen CNC
Sharp, Durable, Innovative Diamond Powder
Star swiss-type automatic lathes
World Machine Tool Survey
Sharp, Durable, Innovative Diamond Powder