PM Blog

Too Many American Men are on Disability

It isn’t American men manufacturing the products being unloaded here, Mr.

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Innovation Creates Winners

Some of the most interesting shops I have been in are those that have developed their own products or methods that might give them a leg up on the competition.

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Laser Device Helps to Align Bar Feeders

One of the most common issues affecting bar feeder performance is wear and tear on the bar feeder liner or collet caused by inaccurate alignment between the bar feeder and the lathe.

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Heat Treating Can Result in Distortion

Heat is a powerful energy that has positive and negative effects on metal.

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A Gateway to Products, Services and Best Practices

The PM home page is a gateway to products, services and best practices from 14 years of targeted publishing aimed at informing the precision machined parts industry. It’s organized into zones, which make searching for specific topics efficient.

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Rotary Transfer Versus Swiss for Small Precision Parts

A little creativity goes a long way in meeting the challenges that this high-production application presents.

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Measuring System Speeds Up and Simplifies Inspections

Fralsen, Timex’s entity in Besançon, France, realizes that in order to run an efficient process to the end, the time it takes to do these things without error is especially important, even during part inspection.

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Contributing to the Big Picture

A society tends to improve and grow through interaction among its members, sharing important information and learning from others’ successes and failures.

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Enough of Those Texts: Find Out What’s Coming Next

Step away from the world of 24/7 text messages, emails, Facebook posts, tweets, voicemails and so on, and set aside a few days to reconnect with your peers.

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CSI Group Partners for Political Advocacy and Business Success

CSI Group is a highly specialized group of companies offering unique manufacturing processes for mechanical components.

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Precision Machining Industry: Rebuilding Our Bench

Our industry is addressing the Skills Gap by taking positive steps to increase employee knowledge and engage talented people seeking well-paying careers.

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The Davenport Rebuild

The most difficult task for us was to overcome the reputation of the old Davenport for high prices, poor quality and bad attitude. In the last decade, we have done that, I think.

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Kyocera EZ Bar Series
Sharp, Durable, Innovative Diamond Powder
World Machine Tool Survey
Marubeni Citizen CNC
Marubeni Citizen CNC