PM Blog

Adding Value, Creating Value

“Precision machining is a unique business because we often add value by subtracting material.”

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PMPA Retains ITR to Provide Members with Critical Trend Data

“ITR has a long track record of success as the only economic forecaster with a 96 percent accuracy rate.”

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Investing in a Computerized Maintenance Management System

A computerized maintenance management system is a valuable tool to help automate preventive maintenance schedules on operational equipment.

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Mist and Smoke Collectors for Metalworking Applications

While many companies are aware of the traditional problems associated with oil mist, few are aware that failure to adequately address mist and smoke issues often results in reduced productivity and increased machine downtime.

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3D Monitoring and Part Verification

Using verification software provided by its machine tool supplier, this shop proves out parts well before any cutting takes place.

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The New Rules for the MedTech Game

The New Rules for the MedTech Game

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An Ad for the Ages

As we slowly shake off the dust from our current economic mess, it’s a reminder that “been there done that” isn’t unique to our time.

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The Pursuit of Perfection

The “Pursuit of Perfection” is how Acero Precision defines its mission and while such lofty words make nice copy, all one needs to do is visit this contract manufacturer to experience how serious the company is about the technology, personnel and processes necessary to make it more than an abstract goal.

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Cutting Tools

Presetting Promises Efficiency

The idea that technology is more efficient than humans should be applied in the shop as well.

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The Need for Face Time

It’s an established fact that we live in a globalized, Googlized, Facebooked, iPhoned, Web woven world where the capabilities of the internet are transforming how we communicate.

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Keeping Business in America

Every American can help their country recover from the worst economic recession since the Great Depression by purchasing products that say “Made in America” when possible.

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Diamond Lapping and Lapping Plate Control

The word “diamond” brings the word “expensive” to mind. But when it comes to lapping with diamond superabrasives, start thinking “low”—as in lower slurry consumption, lower slurry cost per hour, lower sludge generation, lower cycle time, lower reject rates and fewer process steps.

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Star swiss-type automatic lathes
Come See Tsugami America at IMTS | Booth 339410
Sharp, Durable, Innovative Diamond Powder
Horn USA
Kyocera EZ Bar Series
Marubeni Citizen CNC
Kyocera EZ Bar Series