PM Blog


Take the Highland Road

From programming to setup to production, this Ohio job shop plans everything it does around untended machining. The company has been refining the process for more than a decade and has become very good at it.

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Cutting Tools

Getting the Most Out of Hard Turning

Traditionally, production of most parts made from hard or hardened materials, defined as those at or more than 45 HRc, required dedicated grinding equipment and processes.

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Faster RPMs Produce Faster Turnaround

When running a metalworking shop, it’s common to have to adjust machining processes to accommodate customers’ demands.

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Material Impacts on the Precision Machining Industry - December 2010

Prices are up substantially over their price a year ago, from 30-58% - up by double digit percentages - with the exception of Coke. Both upside and downside risk are present when considering raw materials purchases and long term pricing on the products that we produce. While U. S. steel production in June was up 65% over a year ago, Chinese steel mill exports to the world increased 320% from June 2009 to June 2010. Washington promised “change,” but continues to do nothing.

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Five Options for Higher Productivity

Today’s market is more competitive and time-driven than ever, and seemingly small workflow improvements can often result in huge gains in the medium and long term. Accuracy and throughput can be greatly increased simply by choosing the best tool for the job.

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Be a Part of the Magic--It's Not Too Late to Attend PMPA's Management Update

PMPA prides itself on offering “Tools You Can Use,” which is exactly what you’ll receive when you attend the Management Update Conference later this month.

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Strive to be Ordinary

In a world where “ordinary suppliers are 100 percent on time and provide zero defects,” how can your precision machining shop become extraordinary?

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OSHA Noise Reinterpretation Issue: Time for Facts

Your data is needed by PMPA to help us provide facts regarding the impact of a proposed change for the precision machining industry.The issue involves a change in the interpretation of the word feasible by OSHA.

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Parts Cleaning

Vacuum Cleaning in a Metalworking Environment

Maybe the floors at your shop do need to be vacuumed periodically, but vacuum cleaning now has a different meaning in the metalworking industry.

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Applying Technology to Save Lives

Given the number of tragic news stories we’ve already heard this early in the year, I thought I’d turn the tables and revisit one of the most incredible positive stories of 2010. On October 13, the last of the 33 Chilean miners who were trapped 2,067 feet underground for more than 2 months, was rescued.

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CAM Reduces Cycle Time From Days to Minutes

When your house is going up in flames, the last thing on your mind is whether the local hero’s firefighting equipment will do its job, and that’s exactly the way it should be.

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Understand What Products Customers are Buying

To apply either positioning or USP correctly, look from the customers’ viewpoint. That is, what are they buying, not what are you selling.

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Horn USA
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