PM Blog


Refining the Process Saves Time and Money

Sometimes it isn’t just the part, but the process that makes all the difference, especially when it comes to meeting deadlines and customer demands.For any manufacturer, customer satisfaction is the number one concern.

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PMPA Adds New Safety 'Tools You Can Use'--ASH Inc.

PMPA is proud to announce the addition of American Safety and Health Management Consultants Inc. (ASH) as a membership benefit to PMPA members.

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Fast Inspection Adds Dollars to the Bottom Line

Putting out good products and being profitable are what it’s all about in the machining business.

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Combining Old and New Technologies Pays Off

By pursuing a pragmatic growth policy that coupled advanced CNC Swiss technology with the speed and cost effectiveness of existing cam machines, Precision Plus (Elkhorn, Wis.) has thrived.

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The Many Sides of Workholding

Here's a broad look at different ways to approach workholding, from bar feeders to collet chucks to robotics.

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Material Impacts on the Precision Machining Industry - August 2010

Prices are up substantially over their price a year ago--all up by double-digit percentages with the exception of Coke. Nickel is on a tear (up 170%), and both upside and downside risk are present when considering raw materials purchases and long-term pricing on the products that we produce. While U.S. Steel production in June was up 65% over a year ago, Chinese steel mill exports to the world increased 320% from June 2009 to June 2010. Washington promised “change,” but continues to do nothing.

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Integrated Tool Management with CAD/CAM Connection

Better organization in a shop usually leads to higher productivity, and often, improved quality. That’s the objective of this modular tool data management software as it consolidates resources to encompass all aspects of production resource management.

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Making Locks Since Lincoln

For 150 years, padlock manufacturer Wilson Bohanan has done one thing and done it well. Spanning much of the Industrial Revolution, this company has survived and prospered by adapting to change both in product and process as evidenced by the company’s recent installation of a CNC multi-spindle.

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Opportunity Awaits

Shops have trimmed operations in the past couple of years, reducing labor costs, energy costs and almost every other cost of doing business.

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Consider a Systems Approach to Tooling

How parts are processed is the key to reducing cycle times, especially when using Swiss-type and turn-mill machines.

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Show Your Cool Factor

 I know it, and you know it: Manufacturing in the 21st century is really cool.

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Single Pass Honing System with Automatic Tool Wear Compensation

Single pass honing, also referred to as diamond bore sizing, is a good way to produce parts economically when the bore is small or has thin-walled members that need to be honed.

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Kyocera EZ Bar Series